Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gorgeous Gift bags

I found these divine box/bags that look like handbags and knew that they were perfect for my Gift Packs

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Heritage Rose Cupcake Soap

A client and I were discussing the possibility of making a Rose version of my soap, but I was unsure how to colour it without going overboard on pink. She had on her desk the most beautiful full blown roses - apricot with pink tips on the petals - I was inspired! The rose on my soap is also apricot with pink tips and the colours are followed through in the cake. With it's soft old fashioned look and scent, I have called it Heritage Rose.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gardenia Soaps

Yesterday, was a beautiful Spring day and I had a very sucessful market. The favourite soaps of buyers seemed to be the Gardenia soaps, both the cupcake and bar soap varieties.

The cupcake version looks sophisticated with a melt and pour flower soap on top and an all-cream colour theme. The bar soap version is a swirl of green and white. The Gardenia fragrance is quite a strong scent, just like the heady scent of real gardenias. My own gardenia plants are starting to bud and I can't wait until my garden is filled with the same divine smell.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blogged by the Soap-Queen

Wow, imagine my delight and surprise when I discovered that Anne-Marie of Brambleberry in the U.S. has posted about me and my cupcake soaps on her blog (see her Oct 5 post)

Brambleberry make the delicious smelling fragrances that I use for my cupcakes soap and Ann-Marie's blog is one of the soaping communities most popular. If you are into all things soap, you will love her blog.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Layered Soaps

Making layers in soaps can be fun, even if a little tricky. The Rainbow soap is my first four layer soap in a while. I was testing some new colours and love how they turned out. Rainbow soap is scented with a fragrance called Happy which seemed very fitting.

Tipping the mould on an angle can be a great way to layer soaps in a more dramatic way. The soap on the left is Carrot and Buttermilk, scented with Orange and Cedarwood essential oils One side is made with carrot juice, the other side with buttermilk, a very thin layer of oxide seperates the halves to give visual lift. The other soap is Lilac, inspired by the different colours these sweet smelling flowers come in.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Love Spell

This one is a bit over the top, LOL! A pink-red base , swirled with purpleand sprinkled with fairy dusted topped with a red heart dusted with red mica. Do you think it is too too much?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Passionfruit Cup Cake

A younger, hipper friend of mine has been suggesting for some time that I start a Blog or a Facebook page to help promote my soap business and I have taken up her suggestion with this Blog. This same friend listened to me lament a failed attempt to reinvent my passionfruit cupcake and she suggested the following colour combination - I love her concept and hope you do too. Thanks "P" for some great ideas, maybe I should put you on commission LOL.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Coffee Cupcake Soap

Here is Saturday's Coffee CupCake soap unmoulded. I found these coffee bean moulds on the web catalogue of my favourite silicone mould maker (in the US) and just had to get them. After they arrived I set about designing and making this gorgeous soap, scented Turkish Mocha - a spicy, complex coffee scent. I can see this appealing to quite a few caffeine addicts I know!
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Cupcake soaps

Sunday was Father's Day, so the kids and I let their Dad sleep in. This gave me the chance to photograph my new-style cup cake soaps.Here are a few shots, some are not as well-focused as I would like, but will give you an idea of how they are looking.
From the Top: Chocolate, Fairy Cake, Blackberry, Pina Colada and Raspberry Violet.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Observatory Hotel

I was delighted to be asked by The Observatory Hotel, Sydney to supply single use versions of our Tub Treats, Bath Oil and new Bubbling Bath Milk for their Romantic Rendeavous package, all in our Romantic Nights scent. Sourcing special packaging was great fun, and I knew I had it right when I found the cutest frosted jars for the bath milk, they pulled the whole look together.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Blog

Hi soap friends, this is my first ever blog post.

Today my usual market was rained out, I will really miss seeing my regulars for another month. So I have been looking for things to do with my suddenly free day. My favourite thing to do with any spare time is making soap! Today I have made a Coffee Cupcake soap, I'll post a photo later, it will take a day or two for the coffee colour to come through properly.

Yesterday, I made everyone's favourite cupcake soap - Strawberry Shortcake. The little strawberries are made of M&P soap and the rest is CP soap of Olive, Palm, Coconut, Castor Oils and Cocoa Butter, scented with Brambleberry Strawberry FO. A few weeks ago, I worked out how to pipe the soap icing and have been busy perfecting my technique so that it looks just like whipped cream or butter icing, yum!